Call for Applicants for Reusable Packaging System Standards Panel
(Please note there is a waitlist for applicants)
RESOLVE’s PR3 program is seeking members for its Reusable Packaging System Standards Panel (SP). The SP will be responsible for developing functional standards for critical components of reusable packaging systems, including collection points, containers, digital tagging and tracking, return incentives, system operations and performance, marking and labeling, and washing, sanitization, and handling.
PR3’s reusable packaging standards were initially drafted by PR3 and are intended to align stakeholders around a shared set of parameters to provide access and equity, reduce costs in public and private sectors, facility trade and commerce, advance scientific discovery, ensure safety, support interoperability, and drive scale for new systems and technologies.
The SP will serve as the consensus body that will oversee the development of, and review and approve revisions to, the standards following the requirements of the American National Standards Institute. The SP will ensure balance, transparency, public engagement, and consensus throughout the process. Panel members will be expected to participate in one monthly virtual meeting, on average, and to review, comment and vote on standards documents in between meetings.
This SP has the potential to impact communities, consumers, workers, businesses, governments, and other stakeholders and will require engagement from all of these sectors.
Standards Panel Member Qualifications, Roles & Responsibilities
Qualified SP members will represent a relevant interest category and have knowledge of reusable packaging programs/systems, including experience as consumers, workers, community members, food handlers, manufacturers or retailers, or logistics or waste management providers. In addition to possessing relevant knowledge, SP members will promote a collaborative working culture, support open, inclusive, and constructive dialogue, and strive to develop standards and other solutions that are useful to the field. SP members agree to adhere to all relevant aspects of RESOLVE’s Standards Development and Maintenance Program.
SP members will be expected to:
fully participate in the consensus process and meetings (read briefing materials, attend virtual meetings, review minutes and notes, etc.)
comment and vote on proposals
help resolve comments made on proposals
Applicants must represent one of the following interest categories:
Industry: Businesses including consumer goods companies, restaurant and food service companies, retailers, reuse service providers, product manufacturers or component suppliers.
Consumers: Individual consumers, organizations that represent consumers, or community groups.
Workers: Individuals or organizations that represent formal or informal workers in roles related to or impacted by reusable packaging, including but not limited to workers at manufacturing facilities, food service and retail businesses, container sorting and washing facilities, transport and logistics companies, and workers in recycling or waste collection.
Government: Representatives from national or local government agencies, including food and drug agencies, health or environmental agencies, public utilities, or other agencies that may be involved in aspects of packaging regulation, production, use, or end-of-life.
Testing and Standards: Organizations that test and/or certify products, services, or systems covered by the standards, or that develop standards/codes related to the products, services, or systems covered by the standards.
General interest: Community activists, academia, scientists, expert consultants, etc that are not covered by the other participation categories, such as representatives from groups impacted by packaging production or waste, professional societies and trade associations, attorneys, or food safety experts. This includes all others not otherwise classified.
Only one individual from an organization/entity may be a voting member of the SP. The SP may create work groups to focus on a particular issue and develop proposals for consideration by the SP. SP members may participate in work groups and/or designate other representatives from their organizations to participate. Stakeholders and experts from organizations that are not SP members may also participate in work groups.
There are no membership dues associated with this SP and members may terminate membership at any time. Continued membership is contingent on active participation.
Participation will be primarily electronic. Correspondence, including commenting and voting on proposals, with be via an online web platform.
Meetings will be virtual. Groups or individuals that have limited access to resources needed for participation, such computer, phone, or internet access, are encouraged to apply anyway. PR3 seeks to include and accommodate a full range of stakeholders from diverse backgrounds, cultures, regions, and economies.
RESOLVE will review applications and form the SP in accordance with the balance criteria described in RESOLVE’s Standards Development and Maintenance Program.
Please use this form to apply. We would also appreciate referrals to individuals whom you would consider qualified for this role. Should you have any questions or require assistance with your application, please email